
Recently, a neurologist handed me my very own, personal afflication, silver-plated, on an MRI.


I thought a lot of things when she gave it to me. The thing I thought most about (and still do) is the concept of afflication - that is - who deserves it, who overcomes it, and who deals with it best.

I mean, fuck, why afflication is necessary is still something I don’t quite understand. But I also don’t understand the concept of multiple universes either.

I still dabble in bible talk, theology, etc., and try to remain receptive to the foundational belief that YHWH is still the one pulling the strings. And it just so happens that when these types of gifts are given to me, whether the neurologist in an MRI, a call from a friend from jail, or just reading the US news, I’m still mortally reminded that there are forces greater than my own. And YHWH is the one who reminds me. I’m sure of it. And although the world seems to go to shit every morning, his reminders are the sole reason why it’s difficult for me to give up my belief in him. No cap.

The strongest, most powerful of men are noted in the scriptures. They, the strongest, the mightiest, they that thought themselves safest and sorrow-proof, are afflicted. The dearest beloved of God, and those of whose service God may have use in his Church, they are apt to be hindered in their service by these afflictions. Nothing makes a man so great among men, nothing makes a man so necesary to God that he can escape afflictions. These afflictions are his, the Lord’s. - John Donne